Check out these sohbet images: Medya Okulu – 5. Hafta Image by medyadernegi Medya Okulu – 5. Hafta – 14 Mayıs 2011 TRT Haber Genel Yayın Yönetmeni Ahmet Böken öğrencilerle sohbet ederken. Tuğba Kaplan (ön...
Check out these sohbet images: Medya Seminerleri – 1. Hafta Image by medyadernegi 1 Ekim 2011 Medya Derneği Seminerleri ilk hafta konuklarından Ömer Özkan, organizatörler ve diğer eğitmen Cemil Barlas ile sohbet ederken… Medya Seminerleri...
Check out these sohbet images: Medya Okulu – 3. Hafta Image by medyadernegi Medya Okulu – 3. Hafta – 30 Nisan 2011 Mahmut Övür öğrencilerle sohbet ederken...
A few nice sohbet images I found: Salih Memecan katılımcılarla sohbet ederken… Image by medyadernegi İftar öncesi sohbet Image by medyadernegi...
A few nice sohbet images I found: Family on the Field… / Tarladaki Aile… Image by HAL_ Lombok/Indonesia… Family on the field…She has spoken english with me in a very friendly manner and offered to...
A few nice sohbet images I found: cute pregnant belly, no? Image by cafemama all pregnant women should wear scarves...
Check out these radio images: 20120721-DSC08745 Image by vauvau Fleamarket Philips Philetta Image by Schockwellenreiter (Photo: Jörg Kantel) Hammerlund_SP-600_SW-Receiver_web Image by brunurb...
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