A few nice Haber images I found:
Hay baler
Image by Ed Yourdon
I have no idea when or where this photo was taken
To the best of my knowledge, most of the photos in this Flickr album were taken by my grandmother, Mabel Yourdon, during the 1920s, 30s, and 40s. Most of them depict scenes of everyday life in mining camps and small towns near the Utah-Colorado border. Some of them show hunting, fishing, and camping trips in unspecified parts of the American west. It appears that a few of them were taken in southern California, when Mabel and her husband Ike traveled out there to visit relatives.
I have no idea what kind of camera Mabel used for these photos, nor what kind of film. There probably wasn’t that much variety available in the 1920s, and she was not a “professional” photographer. So it may have been a Brownie and whatever B/W film Kodak was selling at the time.
My stepfather, Ray Yourdon, was born in 1922; and his older brother, Marvin, was born two years before that. You’ll see photos of Ray and Marvin when they were young boys, when they were in high school, and when they went off to join the Navy and the Marines to fight in World War II.
Somewhere around 2005, I asked Ray if he could tell me the details of some of the photos; where possible, I have included those details in the notes for the photos. Some of the photos obviously evoked pleasant memories, and I heard stories about minor day-to-day events in his life that I had never heard before. But we rarely got through more than a few pictures before he ran out of energy; and so many of the photos have no explanation at all.
At this point, my parents and grandparents are all gone. I have cousins who grew up in the same area where these photos were taken, and one or two of them are still in that area. They may be able to fill in a few of the details; otherwise, you’ll just have to accept these photos as a glimpse of what life was like nearly a hundred years ago …
No Hay Hacia Donde Correr… Ni Donde Ocultarse!!!
Image by Manuel Acebedo: El Viajero de La Janda Litoral
Digital Art Android Mobile Phone.
Con las playas abarrotadas de gente… Una buena caminata para al fin, una foto en soledad :)))
En la Era Urbana y en pleno período estival… La costa con sus playas abarrotadas, buscar un espacio tranquilo para relajarse, pensar y moverse es una rareza. La vida urbana acaba haciendo mella.
Desde Conil de la Frontera en lo Que Era Una Pequeña Fortaleza… En La Janda Litoral,Cádiz. Muy al Sur de España.
Desde Conil de la Frontera en los alrededores de la Torre de Castilnovo en lo que era una pequeña fotaleza que fue destrozada por el maremoto de 1755 y muy cerca de la desembocadura del río Salado y de la Playa de El Palmar ya en Vejer de la Frontera.
Echale Tambien un Vistazo a Mi Blog Digital Art Android Mobile Phone en:
Android Photographer, Bloguero, Flickr & Google+ Evangelist, Viajero, Escritor de Artículos, Fotografía y Vídeo Documental Periodístico… By Manuel Acebedo: El Viajero de La Janda Litoral.
PD.: Foto Tomada Con mi Android Mobile Phone.
PPD.: Foto Editada Con las Apps de Fotos Para Android Pixlr-o-matic, Snapseed y Repix.
El viejo haya
Image by SantiMB.Photos
El tardío otoño permite que su amplia sombra siga oscureciendo este rincón del bosque. Sobra decir que me costó encontrar el instante oportuno en que no saliera nadie en la foto, en un momento que este bosque estaba siendo más frecuentado que El Corte Inglés el primer día de rebajas.
Fogars de Montclús, Barcelona (Spain).
SortidazZ: Montseny (27/10/2013)
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