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Image from page 1110 of “QST” (1915)
Image by Internet Archive Book Images
Identifier: qstamer00amer
Title: QST
Year: 1915 (1910s)
Authors: American Radio Relay League
Subjects: Radio Radio
Publisher: [Newington, Conn., etc., American Radio Relay League]
Contributing Library: Internet Archive
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Text Appearing Before Image:
inuedsuppression of unwanted side band energy and distortion products. Hum,noise and unwanted side band are down 40 db or more, while undesiredbeat frequency is down at least 60 db. New 60 db range meter for constantmonitoring of r.f. output and carrier suppression. Voice control systembuilt in with adjustable delay and anti-trip features. • SSB, AM, AND CW ARE ALL PROVIDED FOR IN ONE COMPACT UNIT.Front of panel full function control allows selection of AM, CW and upperor lower side band. Only 18 x 9% x 12; the unit is powerful—35 wattspeak output on SSB. hallicrafters ANDIN M CHICAGO 24, ILLINOIS FRONT PANEL CONTROLS Band selector 80, 40, 20, 10 meters.Driver tuning.Finial tuning.Speech level. Carrier injection -0 to 100%.Meter sensitivity.Calibration level.Power off, stand-by, warm-up, transmit.Operation control. VOX, Calibrate, MOX.Function selector—AM, CW, upper, lower side band.Tuning—V.F.O.10 Meter tuning control.V.F.O.-Crystal. 15 OTHER FEATURESODEL HT-30 AT ONLY5.00
Text Appearing After Image:
^«^ AMERICANRADIO RELAYLEAGUE, INC., is a noncommercial association of radio amateurs, bonded forrhe promotion of interest in omateur radio communication andexperimentation, for the relaying of messages by radio, for theadvancement of the rodio art and of the public welfare, for therepresentation of the radio amateur in legislative Matters, and forthe maintenance of fraternaiism and a high standard of conduct. It is an incorporated association without capital stock, charteredunder the laws of Connecticut. Its affairs are governed by a Boardof Directors, elected every two years by the general membership.The officers are elected or appointed by the Directors. The Leagueis noncommercial and no one commercially engaged in the manu-facture/sale or rental of radio apparotus is eligible to membershipon its board. Of, by and for the amateur, it numbers within its ranks practi-cally every worth-while amateur in the nation and has a history ofglorious achievement as the standard-bearer in amat
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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Vintage Ambassador 8-Transistor AM Radio, Model A-880, Made In Japan, Circa 1960s
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Vintage Hoffman 8-Transistor Radio, Model 728, Made in Japan
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