A few nice Spor images I found:
Ladder Company 38, Bronx, New York (Joe Spor)
Image by Tony Fischer Photography
On 9/11 The Fire Department of New York lost 340 uniformed firefighters, two retired members, the chaplain, and two paramedics. One member of the New York City Fire Patrol was killed. There were 75 firehouses in which at least one member was killed. Joseph Spor Jr. was one of the victims.
Joe was assigned to Engine Co. 88 on October 23, 1995. On April 5, 1997 he transferred to Ladder Co. 38. Joe’s thoughts then went to joining Rescue 3, where he was detailed on Sept 11, 2001.
This fire truck has his name and a memorial to 9/11 painted on the door.
This photo was taken near Arthur Avenue in the Bronx, New York.
Plzr Wolf Pdog Spor 2much 907
Image by carnagenyc
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